HomeBy Alberto Rodriguez

By Alberto Rodriguez

Alberto Rodriguez currently is an Associate Professor of History, managing editor of The Journal of South Texas History, and Coordinator of Publications for the Institute for Architectural Engineering at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Rodriguez has published: Mexican American Baseball in the Alamo Region(Charleston: Arcadia Publishing, 2015), “Ponte El Guante! Baseball on the US/Mexican Border: The Game and Community Building, the 1920s-1970s,” The Journal of the West(Fall 2015), “Spanish Southern States Recording Expedition,” with Rene Torres, Journal of Texas Music History (Fall 2016) and “Africana Aesthetics: Creating a Critical Black Narrative from Photographs in South Texas” in Africana Theory, Policy, and Leadership: A Social Science Analysis edited by James L. Conyers, Jr. (Transaction Publishers: 2016). His upcoming projects Urban Borderlands: Anglos, Mexicans, and African Americans in South Texas 1929-1964 and Rancho La Union: A Transnational History of the Borderlands is a comparative multiethnic analysis of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, focusing on race relations in American and Borderland society with a specialty in Mexican American and African American encounters. Rodriguez holds a Ph.D. from the University of Houston in 20th Century American History with a minor in Women Studies and teaches courses on Latin@ History, Mexican American History, Chican@ History, Texas History, and African American History. He was born in Greeley, Colorado but calls Edinburg, Texas home.